List of products by brand Nanimarquina

nanimarquina is the first Climate Neutral certified rug company. After developing an ecological footprint measurement program in 2021 and offsetting it through several projects, the company has established an annual reduction plan that allows it to continue reducing CO2 emissions year on year.

When Nani founded the company in 1987, she was guided by a single desire: wanting to design carpets. With over 25 years of history, the company now focuses on offering its rugs to a world that is interested in creativity, quality and innovation. And his companions on this journey are the world's best designers and high-quality craftsmen. At that time contemporary carpets were non-existent in Spain, so it was a good idea and the first pieces were well received. The project was soon shared with other notable designers of the Spanish scene of the eighties, driving exports and generating a need for the company to reinvent itself to satisfy these new markets. This is what led nanimarquina to throw itself into the adventure of moving production to India, where it discovered the country's craftsmanship, its infinite possibilities and the cultural value that carpets have in this place.

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