Driade The White Snow Once Upon A...
Driade The White Snow Once Upon A...
Driade The White Snow Once Upon A...
Driade The White Snow Once Upon A...
Driade The White Snow Once Upon A...

Driade The White Snow Once Upon A Plate Set of 2 Tea Cups with Saucer

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Set of two tea cups with saucer belonging to The White Snow Once Upon A Plate collection. Inspired by the nineteenth-century graphic décor, the Once Upon A Plate set stands out for its own expressive language and striking elegance that makes it suitable for any occasion. The Once Upon A Plate set will brighten up your tea break. Designed by Antonia Astori and Lorenzo Petrantoni for Driade.

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The White Snow: a unique tableware collection designed by Antonia Astori who has teamed up with several designers, including Paola Navone, Giuseppe Ragazzini and Vittorio Locatelli. Designed for Driade, The White Snow comes as a unique and extensive collection which includes plates, glasses, bowls and cups and much more. The designer Antonia Astori laid the foundations for the realization of a large project: starting from an all-white porcelain surface she launched the first family, The White Snow. From a partnership with the aforementioned designers, the subordinate collections came to life: Agadir, Bestiario Della Tavola, Kingyo and Once Upon A Plate. Featuring high quality porcelain embellished with striking patterns and details, each collection represents different decorations and designs: the blue, that distinguishes the Moroccan atmospheres, prevails in Agadir, in Bestiario Della Tavola we find a game of mechanisms and multiple joints, with a style inspired by pictorial metamorphosis. The Kingyo collection stands out for its unique combination of white, black, and ocean blue, embellished with tiny goldfish or disturbing larger fish. The nineteenth-century graphic style takes over the Once Upon A Plate collection, in a highly expressive tableware collection. Choose your favorite line of the unique The White Snow family and discover the other wonderful Driade products here, on Newpop.it!

Dimensions: Capacity 15 cl
Materials: Porcelain

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