List of products by brand Venini

 Paolo Venini is an Italian glassmaker, designer and glassware manifacturer, whose works are outstanding for their combination of traditional technique and innovative shape.  His glass workshop, in Murano, contributed to the revival of at-glass manifacture in the 1930s and 40s and employed some of the finest designers of the period, among them Gio Ponti and Tyra Lundgren. From the beginning, Venini's workshop turned out beautiful tableware, years ahead of the work of other contemporary designers. His own designs were strikingly plain, their purity of outline set off against unusual combinations of colours worked into the glass, stripe-like threads, lattices, grids and, sometimes, the traditional Venetian millefiore manner. Unique, detailed and high-quality items. Venini : uniqueness and craftsmanship. 

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