List of products by brand Kristalia

Kristalia is an Italian brand inspired by jazz music. A Friulian design company born in 1994 to pursue challenges and innovative ideas, the originality of shapes and the functionality of durable materials, often recycled or renewable. These are home and contract furnishing elements designed to innovate and tested to last over time.

Kristalia, an Italian design furniture company, for both interiors and exteriors, in its production leitmotif, introduces green-oriented technical solutions, for recycling capacity and reduction of environmental impact. In her leap towards the future, active and attentive, Kristalia has signed some of the most important moments in furniture design, such as letting the markets discover the extendable table. It uses raw materials of high and certified quality and prefers, where possible, the use of recycled materials, such as glass, aluminium, which can be completely recycled even several times, polypropylene or steel. He also loves the use of renewable materials, such as wood, due to an ever-growing attention to ecology, for which, in particular, he has designed his long-lasting products. Chairs, tables, bookcases or any other piece of furniture is conceived, designed and created with qualities and characteristics that make it almost "immortal", capable of resisting any sort of disabling stimulus or pressure in terms of shape or texture some materials. For the supply of raw materials and semi-finished products, the company uses only strictly "made in Italy" elements, produced by companies that follow the protocols for respect for the environment. All Kristalia productions have a certification relating to specific material properties such as mechanical resistance, reaction to fire, safety and healthiness.

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