List of products by brand Scarlet Splendour

In love with luxury from an early age, the pair of brothers Ashish Bajoria and Suman Kanodia enrich their artistic and theatrical baggage growing up in Calcutta, the cultural city par excellence. Aesthetics and passion for design played a fundamental role in the life of the two brothers, prompting them to found Scarlet Splendor in 2014. Considered the foremost proponent of design in India, Scarlet Splendor offers luxury furniture, lighting and carpets, both classic and modern, both functional and aesthetic. Over the years the brand expands, managing to obtain collaborations with prestigious designers such as Marcantonio, Elena Salmistraro, Matteo Cibic and many others. Scarlet Splendor's goal is to bring an exquisite combination of world design cultures with traditional Indian craftsmanship, to bring cutting-edge design to any space. Scarlet Splendor is mentioned in all the most famous design magazines and more, such as Forbes and Vogue, to name a few.

Scarlet Splendor: avant-garde aesthetics for those with an unbridled passion for luxury. 

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