List of products by brand Luceplan

Since 1978, Luceplan has always stood out for its continuous aesthetic research, experimentation and innovation, creative spirit and continuous functionality and efficiency. The company has received a number of awards around the world for a truly unique lighting brand, which strives for maximum efficiency and flexibility of its products. Cutting-edge materials and technologies: this is the ethos of Luceplan that has always been committed to environmental and energy saving issues, taking care of every step of the production cycle in the smallest detail, from conception to packaging, ensuring the maximum and the correct life cycle of the products. Today Luceplan boasts a unique experience in the field of lighting, thanks to the cultural background it possesses, the result of years and years of commitment and resourcefulness.  Luceplan collaborates actively with its partners, as well as with the leading designers and architects on the international scene, to develop innovative project. The company makes a commitment to develop innovative, high-performance lighting solutions, capable of offering customers products with a high added value that contribute to improve wellbeing and quality of life. 

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